Fortnite's Floating Island Is Doing Something Strange

Zac Cameron,

October 19, 2018 12:34 AM

After making its way around the map, the Floating Island has seemingly come to a stop, and is now up to something weird.

Just before the start of Fortnite Season 6, we saw the mysterious giant cube summed during season 5 slowly make its way to Loot Lake, where it seemingly melted into the water. It didn’t stay hidden for long however, as it soon returned and began its journey across the map, though this time it brought with it the house from the centre of Loot Lake for the trip.

The journey of the cube, and the friends it made along the way, has been talked about for some time. It looks like it was slowly making the journey across the map to visit each of the “corrupted” areas that had previously been visited by the cube. Each new location seemed to “activate” the area, pulling runes into the air and leaving behind mini volcanoes that spew out purple goop that leads to some pretty incredible plays.

Now, it looks like the cube has reached the end of its journey, activating the final rune at Dusty Divot, and now emitting purple lightning and sounds that eerily resemble what happened when the Cube first appeared. Are we going to see another Cube appear? Could this be a sign of something larger and even more destructive making an appearance on the map? No-one knows for sure right now, but you can bet that all eyes will be on the Cube and what happens from here.


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